The Blix Fix


6 Simple Ways to Relieve Holiday Stress

Nov 15, 20
If the tune “It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” has you remembering you tousling with someone over a TV on Black Friday, trying to find the perfect gift for an impossible in-law, or creating hundreds of Pinterest boards to nail down the best design for Christmas cookies, then we hear you. Completely. Often times, the holidays can be the most stressful time of the year. The Blix family has you covered. We have put together our tried and true tactics to beat wintertime woes. Look no further than our six simple ways to relieve holiday stress.

1. Take a walk outside

Whether you are crammed in a desk all day, pouring over your computer online shopping, or kitchen-bound recipe testing, this is your gentle reminder to get a change of scenery and take a walk outside. We know how easy it is to get overwhelmed by never-ending to-dos that taking a break seems impossible. We are here to tell you that getting some fresh air and taking a walk for even 10 minutes outside will kick your brain back into high gear. That way, the rest of your day doesn't seem as insurmountable.

Take a walk

2. Plan ahead

This one might seem like a given, but we really mean it. Planning ahead does not mean December 17th. We’re looking at you, Procrastinator Patty. Planning ahead is the best way to avoid last-minute shopping and will ultimately help keep your wallet (and sanity) intact. Make lists before you head to the grocery store, screenshot that rare Instagram ad that’s actually a good gift idea for your best friend, and tell Siri to remind you of something you are way too likely to forget in five minutes anyway. These reminders are great to add to lists to keep your brain decluttered amidst all holiday mayhem.

Plan ahead

3. Three Cheers for Volunteers

During the season of giving, your time is one of the most precious and valued gifts of all. Dedicate a few hours to help at a local soup kitchen, organize a simple canned food drive, or spend some time at a nearby animal shelter. Volunteering is one of a few simple ways to relieve holiday stress. These good deeds are guaranteed ways to make you feel a little lighter this holiday. Clearer minds and fuller hearts do just the trick to melt away any lingering stress. Especially, over things that you are able to realize may be less important than you thought anyway. 

Three Cheers for Volunterrs

4. Establish gift boundaries

There’s nothing worse than exchanging gifts and realizing your friend or partner pulled out all the stops for you and you, well, decided on something with much fewer bells and whistles for them. We’ve all been there. There’s a simple fix to avoid this gift-giving horror. Whether it’s a sit-down conversation or a quick text, establish a gift limit with whomever you are exchanging presents. The limit could be on price or time, but setting up boundaries beforehand prevents disappointment from both parties later. With both gifters on the same page, you can focus on finding a great gift without any hassle. 

Establish Gift Boundaries

5. Make a holiday playlist

Whether you are Buddy the Elf or Ebenezer Scrooge, music can lift your holiday mood. De-stress with a playlist that hits all the holiday classics or one with your personal favs. Music is a quick mood booster and is the last of our simple ways to relieve holiday stress. Especially when Aunt Susie burns the cookies or Uncle Steve starts talking about politics. You’re the DJ when it comes to your perfect playlist! Sometimes even a little control is great when everything else feels like it’s in the hands of the holiday heavens. Walk to the beat of your own jams, and dancing is highly encouraged!

Make a Holiday Playlist

6. Last step, prep your meals ahead!

Festive bites are a must for all holiday happenings. Let’s be honest, no one wants to be slaving away in the kitchen when your guests are wining and dining. Turn to your trusty kitchen assistant to help prep all your bites and dishes. Blix will have party apps and snacks ready in under two minutes. Our guacamole, smoky spicy and traditional hummus will delight even the snobbiest of foodies. Pair with crudites, pita, crackers, or chips to hold everyone over until dinner. Prepping will cut down your time in the kitchen and let you make time to enjoy the company of all your friends and family.

Blix Hummus Mix

Wishing you a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year! For more information visit

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